Announcements and upcoming events are listed here on the home page. Be sure to check the "news" page for write-ups on events that have already happened.
Eat Wings @ BW3 and Support Logan Elm FFAHelp support the Logan Elm FFA and enjoy great food from BW3 at the same time. Use the flyer below and present it to your server on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, and BW3 will donate 10% of your bill to our FFA Chapter. This is only at the CIRCLEVILLE location. Thank you in advance for your support.
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FFA WeekFebruary 23-27 is National FFA Week. We will be celebrating with several dress-up/participation days this year to celebrate.
Monday, February 23 - Hat /Ag Brand Day - pay $1 to wear hat. Tuesday, February 24 - CAMO Day Wednesday, February 25 - FFA Colors / Official Dress Day Thursday, February 26 - Neon/Mix Match Day Friday, February 27 - Farmer Day Friday, February 27th - Logan Elm FFA Sponsored Square Dance at Logan Elm HS. 7-9pm. FFA members - come out and have fun learning how to square dance and fellowship with FFA members from Logan Elm, Teays Valley, Westfall, Amanda Clearcreek and Zane Trace. Logan Elm FFA members need to bring a 2-liter of pop or snack for admission. Other chapters will be bringing non-perishable food items for their admission. We will be donating the food items to food pantry. State and American DegreesThis year we have 5 members getting their State FFA Degrees and 1 member getting there American Degree. Taylor Romine, Caitlyn Rhoades, Megan Karshner, Dylan Holzschuh and Clint Riffel will be getting their State Degrees and David Dresbach will be gettin ghis American Degree.
Fruit Pick-UpAttention all FFA members: All fruit, BBQ sauce, candles, cheese and beef products will be ready for pickup on Tuesday, December 9th and Wednesday, December 10th. Pickup will be available from 7:30am - 6:00pm on both days at the Ag Building. You MUST pickup during these times. Please remember that most items are perishable and need to be delivered quickly.
Community Service @ Filling StationThe FFA will be serving at the Filling Station in Circleville this year. This is a soup kitchen that provides food for the community. We are scheduled to serve on the following three Sundays: December 14, February 8 and April 12. We will need 20 people on each date.
Shift 1 (10 people) serve from 4-6pm. This shift will help prepare the food and set up. Shift 2 (10 people) serve from 6-8pm. This shift will serve the food and clean up. You will sign up in Ag class for the day and shift you can work. It is important to show up for what you sign up for. Leadership NightWe are going to State FFA Leadership Night at Amanda on Wednesday, November 19. We will leave Logan Elm at 5:15pm from the Ag Building. We should be back at Logan Elm no later then 9pm. You must sign up in class no later then Wednesday, November 12. To sign up you need to give Mr. King $5. If you show up and go to Leadership Night, you will get your $5 back. If you do not show up, you forfeit your $5, as we have to pay for the number of RSVP's.
It's Fruit Sale Time!The annual FFA Fruit sale will start on October 16th this year. This is our main fundraiser of the year. This is how we pay for everything that the FFA does for the year. This year we will be selling fruit, DB Yummers BBQ sauce, Pearl Valley Cheese, Ohio Signature Beef sticks, jerky and summer sausage, as well as candles. All sale are pre-pay. Payment is due when placing the order. All orders are due November 14th. Orders will be ready for pick up on December 9th and 10th. Thank you in advance for your support of the FFA. All items can be ordered from an FFA member or by emailing Mr. King @ [email protected]. You are encouraged to order from an FFA member as they can earn money for themselves.
You can download and view the fruit sale forms below. The only thing not included is the candle order form. ![]()
Pumpkin Show ParadeWe will again be riding through the Circleville Pumpkin Show Parade at 8pm on Wednesday, October 15. Meet at 7:40pm. You need to sign up in class if you plan to ride so we know how many to expect. We would like to encourage everyone that rides to stick around for the Queen's contest to cheer on AnnMarie and Carlee.
Congrats & Good Luck to AnnMarie & CarleeFFA senior AnnMarie Covell and FFA Vice President, junior Carlee Stewart were recently voted by the Logan Elm student body to represent their respective classes in the Miss Pumpkin Show competition. The Miss Pumpkin Show Queen's Contest will be held on Wednesday, October 15th. Congratulations for being selected and good luck to both.
National FFA ConventionNational Convention applications went out to students on September 8th. If any FFA member is interested in going they need to turn in the application and their deposit no later then Friday, September 19th. Do not forget to get the required signatures on the application.
"Cow Drop" RaffleTickets are $10. One Grand Prize winner of $500.
After all tickets are sold, tickets will be randomly assigned a number. Squares will be drawn and numbered. one square/ticket sold. The square that the cow "drops" on will be the winner of the $500. In the event that the cow drops on a line of multiple squares, those numbers will be put into a hat and one winner will be drawn. FFA Members**** You earn $3 for each ticket that you sell. That money will go into your "FFA Bucks" account. You can use that money to pay for FFA related items this year. FFA MeetingsThere will be a FFA meeting on the second Wednesday of every month at 7:30am.
ALS Ice Bucket ChallengeWelcome BackAnother exciting year has begun at Logan Elm. The year has lots to bring for FFA members. You will have the opportunity to get involved with CDEs, community service projects and good fun and fellowship. The more you get involved, the better your experience will be.
Our motto this year is: Make Good Choices, Try Your Best, and Be a Leader...Changing the Perception |
Follow us on Twitter @LoganElmFFA
The National FFA Organization is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of young people by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through Agriculture Education.